Home News The one move women should stop making before sex – and do...

The one move women should stop making before sex – and do afterwards instead


Growing up, we heard a lot about what we should and shouldn’t do before, during and after sex.

Advice is so conflicting that we often don’t know what to believe – and there are a fair share of myths out there.

Thankfully, most tips are useful. But there’s one that we’ve apparently been given incorrect information on.

Women might have heard that you should empty your bladder before sexual intercourse to reduce the risk of developing a urinary tract infection.

But according to a urologist , this is the exact opposite of what you should do.

David Kaufman MD told Yahoo News that the ‘pee before sex’ mantra is “one of the biggest misconceptions he has to clear up for his female patients.”

Going to the bathroom beforehand is a big no-no, but urinating afterwards is important.

Why should we urinate after sex?

During sex, bacteria from the vagina can be forced into the urethra.

Urinating can dislodge the bacteria and dispose of it safely in your stream – but if you don’t need to go to the toilet after sex, it can mean the bacteria makes its way into the bladder and develops into an infection.

How do you prevent a UTI?

According to the NHS, using a diaphragm as contraception can increase your risk of getting a UTI, as the diaphragm may press on the bladder and prevent it emptying completely.

If you have recurring UTIs and use a diaphragm, it’s worth considering changing to another method of contraception.

Spermicidal lubricant used on condoms can also cause irritation that makes UTIs more likely. If you think this is the cause of your recurring infections, try using ones without this lubricant.

Tips from the NHS

  • drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and help clear bacteria from the urinary tract
  • go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need to urinate, rather than holding it in
  • wipe from front to back after going to the toilet
  • practise good hygiene by washing your genitals every day, and before having sex
  • empty your bladder after having sex


The Mirror UK

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